& inspiration

Grab a coffee, put your feet up, and enjoy a little light reading
Critical Principles for Navigating Life's Changes
A very practical and insightful piece of reading. WELL worth 5 minutes of your time. Truly.
Step Away from The Keyboard. Now.
An excellent - and easy to read - piece on a critical issue that is currently impacting us all.
Mastering The Inner Game of Leadership
A great read to start the day. Grab your tea & toast and settle in for some important learnings on management vs leadership, on authority vs authenticity and on simply showing up as you
To be or not to be, that is the question.
A cracking piece from McKinsey. I'm loving the concept of 'to be' lists running alongside 'to do' lists...and with equal importance.
ICF - leading the global advancement of the coaching profession
The International Coaching Federation (ICF) is the leading global organization for coaches and coaching. Dedicated to advancing the coaching profession by setting high standards, it provides independent certification for a worldwide network of rigorously trained coaching professionals.
ICF continues to offer the only globally recognized, independent credentialing program for coach practitioners. ICF Credentials are only awarded to professional coaches who have met stringent education and experience requirements and have demonstrated a thorough understanding of the coaching competencies that set the standard in the profession.
Find out more about the ICF:

“Lighthouses are endlessly suggestive signifiers of both human isolation and our ultimate connectedness to each other.”
– Virginia Woolf